Hilton Apple Fest What What!

As I previously mentioned, I went home this past weekend and I purposely scheduled my visit to land on the same weekend as the annual Hilton Apple Festival! I hadn’t been to the Apple Fest for a few years and since I grew up with it taking place basically in my backyard, I had to make it this year!  The Apple Fest is a huge craft festival complete with amazing artists, delicious food(lots of apples) and live music.  I have many great memories of attending the Apple Fest with my mom and sister, so that is just what I did again this year!

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That’s my sister and I and her handsome corgi Samson.

I decided I should show you all my favorite hometown festival and also what kind of great finds they had this year.


One of the first booths we hit, that I wanted to share, is a local artist from Hilton!  Her name is Barbara A. Palmer, she is a folk artist who also writes and illustrates her own children’s books.  Her art is colorful and also whimsical, my favorite was her seasons paintings.


Even the wood frames are such high quality.

This next artist unfortunately was out of business cards and I was unable to get more information on her work.  I did however want to show you her adorable decorative pumpkins.


She also had these cute country style ladders…


Here is another artist that I did not get the name of, but I know the business is called Bulletin Boards Etc. and you can contact them at bulletinboardsetc@yahoo.com.  Now why do I want to show you these bulletin boards?  Because they are dog themed of course!


Here is a yellow lab one…


And only $5.95.  Woot woot! Here is one more that caught my eye…


I wanted to take one home, but I couldn’t think of a good place for it, so it stayed at the fest of apples.

We also ran into our friend Rachel who was working the apple crisp booth! Hey Rach!


Did I mention I come from a small home town?  We are bound to run into people we know.


Next up we stopped at the booth shown above.  I fell in love with this booth immediately, look at all those succulents.  I do not have a green thumb so these are pretty much the only plant I am able to keep alive.  Wahoo for succulents!  These folks own a place called Tranquility Hill Greenhouse in Clifton Springs, NY. They make all of there own pots shown above out of a very light cement product. I was shocked when I went to pick up one of the planters, I almost threw it because I used a little too much muscle.  Also they grow all of their own succulents and they    are     BEAUTIFUL….



They have such a variety.


I was planning to take one home with me since they were so light, I figured I would just carry it on my flight home.  We were suppose to head back and pick a couple up on our way out, but we forgot! Shame on us, I can’t tell you how disappointed we were once we remembered. Shucks!

This next booth was full of chainsaw art.  I mean does it get cooler than that?


Here are some cute little owls that were $10 a pop, not too bad!

Also here is a cute little doe that I fell for…


If you wanna check out more of this art, it is done by a guy named Rick Latson from Springwater, NY and he can be contacted at rlatson@frontiernet.net.

Samson was really into the next booth…


We had to stop in to Hands and Paws Cookies and Treats! This is a little business from Cheektowaga, NY. They had some fun snack choices for dogs like fish fry, hamburger and fries or even surf and turf!


Sam got a couple treats and I picked up one of these…


They made a variety of pet products including treats, bandannas, collars and leashes.  Can you guess which one I purchased?  Well I have a model to show you…


Yup, I got the Sabres one!  Char Man loves it or maybe I love it and he tolerates it! Who knows?


Back to the Apple Fest…

These glass flowers caught my eye.  I specifically liked the little mushrooms that you can see near the ground next to these ginormous flowers.


If these flowers were a little too big for your liking they also had these mini ones…


I loved that you could mix and match the flower color and reattach them to whichever pot you were in to.  I unfortunately did not get this artists information, these were just quick walk by photos.

We also stopped at Nanny’s Naturals Goat Milk Soap booth where Jessica purchased some soaps.



Did I also mention that Samson was a hit at the apple fest?


He’s such a friendly dog.

Next up we stopped into Elijiah Smith‘s booth where he was selling his hand blown glass pieces.


That little green guy came home with me.  I thought these little pumpkins were so unique.  Check out this multi colored one…



We had a lot of fun and came home with a couple things too!


We also ran into my sister’s sister in law Melissa and her son Troy! Hope you read this one Meliss!

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