I’m back, back in the New York Groove

I headed home to New York this past weekend to visit my family.

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I got the chance to spend some time with family and friends and I thought I would share these photos, since it is not that often that I am able to get home. Above is my dad and I and below is myself, my friend Christine and my sister Jessica.

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Above are my friends Lauren and Christine and below is myself and my mom…

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One more of the family my brother in law John and myself…

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I also was able to go for a walk in the woods with my dad and his dog Maddie…

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Upstate New York is not the greatest place to be in the winter months, but fall is my favorite time of year here.

photo 2_Fotor

photo 1(1)_Fotor

Oh ya… Maddie got a little muddy…

photo 3(1)_Fotor

These are just some of the random photos from my visit.  I will share more about my different ventures while I was back in NY soon. Promise.

3 thoughts on “I’m back, back in the New York Groove

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