Hi everyone!  Today I am pumped to try out my first attempt at a giveaway on the blog!  Let’s see how this goes.

A while back I posted about how I created some feather art for my laundry room.  I got so many compliments on these pieces that I decided someone should have a couple feathers of their own! Here are the two that I created for my laundry room…



I think they are pretty sweet! I hope you all enjoy them as much as I do!  And if you do… you could have a couple of your very own!

Here’s how it works.  If you would like to be entered into the giveaway I want you to comment on this post.  In your comment please write: “ENTER ME” and then tell me where you would like to put this art in your home!  For example:

– ENTER ME, I would hang these in my laundry room!

If you do these two things I will enter you in the giveaway.  I will be using to choose the winner, so there will be no bias here! I will enter anyone who comments before Friday 7/19/13 at 7am! If you are chosen as the winner you will get a choice of two colors for your new art.  These are the colors I can use to create your own custom feathers…


If you are chosen for this giveaway you will be receiving two feather prints which I will make by hand.  I will just need to know the colors you would like.  Both feathers can be the same color or you can choose two different colors for each feather.  I will just need to know which colors you would like, just give me the number that is assigned in the photo above to the color(s) you like.

Good Luck everyone!

10 thoughts on “ART GIVEAWAY

  1. ENTER ME!!! Vanessa! You are so talented. If my name is picked I will put this artwork in my living room next to some trees Christine painted for me. I would pick #4 and #11. Thanks!
    Elaine Farrand


  2. Vanessa– I love these!! I have been looking for two small pieces of art work to put in my hallway underneath two laundry baskets that’s I have! I have a hallway that is kind of large and connects are two rooms upstairs and these would be perfect!! If I don’t win I may ask you to buy! I would choose colors # 16 and # 20. Thanks!! Crystal


  3. Oops forgot the Enter me!! Vanessa– I love these!! I have been looking for two small pieces of art work to put in my hallway underneath two laundry baskets that’s I have! I have a hallway that is kind of large and connects are two rooms upstairs and these would be perfect!! If I don’t win I may ask you to buy! I would choose colors # 16 and # 20. Thanks!! Crystal


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