And the visits over

I feel like my family came and went so quickly, even though they were here for a full 7 days.  I think everyone was ready to get back home to normal life again though.  Their last night here we went out to a nice dinner at Mezza Luna.  BUT,  before we left we had to do family photos as requested by mom and dad.


Group shot?


These were great to get because Justin set up the camera on a timer.  In this try I guess Justin is looking at John? And with another try…


Yup, John’s eyes are shut.  Unfortunately, we didn’t notice that right away so this is the best one we got.  We also got one of Jess, John, Justin and I.


And at dinner we had the waiter take a picture of all of us, with all of our eyes open.


Kinda blurry, but it’ll have to work.

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