
Justin and I have a couple kayaks that we use from time to time.  My family loves kayaking so while they were here we rented a few and went out on the St. Johns River. I found a groupon online for a place called All Water Sports, they were offering an all day kayak rental for $20.  We only needed three kayaks since Justin was at work and we already had two of our own.  So it ended up being a pretty good deal, $60 for the whole day.  We arrived and they had a launch where we could put all of the kayaks in.


I love this photo of my dad in the tiny life jacket they gave him! He’s a big guy.


We got everything unloaded and ready and we were off.  In case you’re wondering I am wearing a hat, my contacts were bothering my eyes so I had to wear my glasses, so that meant no sunglasses.


We had a blast, we saw a lot of different birds and there were many fish jumping.  John even saw an alligator.


Jess and I fell pretty far behind at times.


Here we are in this blurry photo really far behind!


It was pretty crazy we went one way down the river and it was like a swamp, I felt like we were on an episode of swamp people(haven’t seen it? look it up, they hunt alligators.)   We went the other way down the river on the way back and we saw a lot more homes and it took you closer to the ocean.


Pretty fun day all in all.