Hanging with the parents

Family gathering please! When my parents come to town we like to get together with Justin’s parents because turns out they all like each other!  Woo Hoo!  So once my parents had arrived at our house…


Yup, got a picture of them actually arriving.  We did a tour of our home(they loved it) then headed out again to see Kent and Sandy.

Kent and Sandy are truly the best hosts, they give us a good place to sleep and feed us delicious food.  What else can you ask for?


Of course we had some amazing food prepared on the big green eggs.  Seemed to be the area the guys liked to congregate.


What kind of luck do Justin and I have that our families get along great?


So nice to just hang out and relax with our family.   Justin even let my mom take a picture of him and I.


So there you have it, hope you guys enjoy your parents as much as we do.  Also Thanks Sandy and Kent for housing my family for a couple days!

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