Bye Bye Chandelier

When you first enter our house you see some pretty phenomenal light fixtures.  This…


and of course this…


Unfortunately, I think it is time to part with both of them.  Justin went to Lowe’s and got this…


Then he went to town installing that bad boy…


I thought that we should put the fan in the dining room area to replace the chandelier, but Justin really wanted it in front of the door in the front foyer.   Since he is the installer he gets last say…


Turns out he was right.  I think it looks great there.  As you may have noticed on the box the fan did indeed come with a light.  Justin didn’t install the light because he said he “thought it would look ugly.” And that’s that.


I love the fan Justin chose.  It hangs about a foot down from the ceiling and it has mini fan blades.  Its the perfect size for that spot.  Justin then took down the chandelier and brought it to the curb.  It was gone within about half hour.   I guess someone else will be enjoying that stylish chandelier in their home.  Justin then replaced the chandelier with a good old boob light.


Want to see the light in action?


Boom! It works.  Here’s a shot with both lights…


I do miss the chandelier, but guess I’ll have to make due without.  We have almost rid the house of gold fixtures now. Woo hoo.