Texturizing the patio walls

Since Justin and Kent finished up the screen for the patio, the wall that they took the siding off ended up looking like this…


The next step was to texturize that wall so we could begin painting.  So Kent stopped by and gave a quick lesson on how to texturize the wall and he dropped off a few cans of this…


This stuff is awesome.  Basically it sprays out as a foam like plaster.  It sprays on kind of bubbly like an “orange peel” texture.  We wanted it a little less bubbly so after spraying it on I used a putty knife to flatten out a bit.


There I am in action.  I used a piece of cardboard to block the screen and ceiling when spraying close to those areas.


Once I finished you could still see the green outdoor drywall, but it was mostly covered in the texture spray.  Here is a close up.


Perfect for an outdoor wall! It is a messy process though!



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