Justin hates trees

I decided that Justin if not a big fan of trees. He has decided to cut some down and trim some up.  First he decided to cut down the two little holly trees in the back yard.  Apparently all the trees we have are not very dog friendly.  The holly berries are poisonous to dogs and our dogs eat everything… EVERYTHING.  Zack walks around the yard eating grass like a cow.  So the holly trees had to go:(  Here they are before…



This is what they look like now…


Little stumps.   We will dig out the stumps soon, just wanted to get rid of the berries asap.


Here’s Char, don’t blink you’ll miss him.  He’s fasttt.


As you can see there are no more trees/berries.  Next I noticed that Justin trimmed up the sago palms we have in our front yard.  These are also an issue since the sago palms have huge seeds that are also very toxic to dogs.  So we will most likely take them out as well.  In the mean time Justin trimmed them up.  You can see we have three…


Now they look like this…



Poor little babies lost all of their palms.  They were all dead.


So no more palms.  We will see if the actual trees will be staying or if we will take those out as well.

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