Happy Easter:)

We took our first break away from working on the house this weekend.  We went to Sandy and Kent’s for Easter.  We had some great food and family time.


Kent and Sandy made an awesome dinner as usual.  Kent cooked on his big green eggs.


Cooking away.  So proud.


Had a blast with Justin’s grandparents.


The dogs had a great time too.  Pretty sure they would stay there forever if we let them.


So many dogs…


Also got to facetime with my family.  Thanks for the easter basket mom, I hope you still get me one when I’m 50! We had a great time and hope you did too!

Justin hates trees

I decided that Justin if not a big fan of trees. He has decided to cut some down and trim some up.  First he decided to cut down the two little holly trees in the back yard.  Apparently all the trees we have are not very dog friendly.  The holly berries are poisonous to dogs and our dogs eat everything… EVERYTHING.  Zack walks around the yard eating grass like a cow.  So the holly trees had to go:(  Here they are before…



This is what they look like now…


Little stumps.   We will dig out the stumps soon, just wanted to get rid of the berries asap.


Here’s Char, don’t blink you’ll miss him.  He’s fasttt.


As you can see there are no more trees/berries.  Next I noticed that Justin trimmed up the sago palms we have in our front yard.  These are also an issue since the sago palms have huge seeds that are also very toxic to dogs.  So we will most likely take them out as well.  In the mean time Justin trimmed them up.  You can see we have three…


Now they look like this…



Poor little babies lost all of their palms.  They were all dead.


So no more palms.  We will see if the actual trees will be staying or if we will take those out as well.

Rocking Chair

So I am officially addicted to craigslist.  I can’t help it, I want to buy other peoples junk and make it awesome.

I was keeping my eye out for something that would work well in the bedroom.  We have one nightstand and I wanted something to balance out the other side of the bed.  I decided a chair would work well because it would be a good place to throw our pillows that don’t get used while we sleep.  I was checking craigslist regularly for some kind of old chair that I could clean up and make my own.  A few days later I found a pretty cool rocking chair.  Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of the chair before I made changes. Shucks. Well I found a picture of one that looks similar.


So it looked something like that, just a little more filthy.  So I cleaned it up and sanded it down.  I knew I wanted to paint it but I couldn’t decide between gray and white.  I figured if I went with white I could move it around the house in the future if needed, and it would still match since our trim is white in the house.  So it was originally a semi gloss black that wasn’t painted very well.  I went with a flat paint because I just thought it would show less imperfections since I was painting it with a brush.  So I started painting, did a first coat, then second, then third, then fourth.  Then a few days later I did a couple more coats and it looked like this…


It was late and dark again.  So basically I could still see black through the many coats of white.  So after 7 coats it looks like this…


Yes that pillow says I love dogs… because I do indeed love dogs.  Thanks Jess!